If you seek a quick, two hour session, this budget-friendly option is perfect. You can divide these hours into two sessions, experiencing bliss and sensuality to the fullest. It's an opportunity to savor each moment with an individual who is wholly devoted to your pleasure, without judgment or anxiety. You'll find solace in their soft and attentive companionship. If you're new to this experience, this session is an excellent starting point. It allows you to explore and determine whether you desire additional sessions. Remember, each escort is solely dedicated to your satisfaction. Furthermore, this package offers the flexibility to explore different escorts, from American to Russian, providing both affordability and variety.

The price of escorts in Pondicherry


  • 1 Hr -15000
  • 2Hrs- 30000

3/4 Hrs

  • 3 Hrs - 35000
  • 4 Hrs - 45000

Full Night

  • North Indian - 45000
  • Model - 60000